Western Production: A Passion Project by IRON Films Interns

The Western Production was a passion project featuring a narrative short film. In this film, three cowboys sit menacingly at a table, building tension as it seems like a confrontation is imminent. However, the climax reveals that it’s simply a game of poker. At the end, the film reveals how it was made using virtual production.

This project was entirely directed, acted, and prepared by our interns, including the creation of backgrounds, previz, and storyboard. Iron Films facilitated the technology and guided them through the process, demonstrating that even interns can produce cinematic quality with the right support.

Number of commercials:
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IRON Films
Virtual production & motion control
DMX pixel mapping
Two weeks of prep and one shooting day

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Medium virtual production studio

The project showcased how a small LED volume (5 meters wide by 2.5 meters high) could be used to create the illusion of a much larger studio space.

Behind the scenes